
Our agency is an expert with obtaining detailed information to assist with your case. We provide accurate information to you and your attorney through a detailed report of our findings. Since each investigation is unique we work with each client on an individual basis to ensure their specific needs are addressed.


We utilize a variety of equipment and techniques to conduct covert surveillance related to Family Law Cases, Infidelity Matters and Insurance Fraud.

We provide clients with video, photographs and a detailed report of a subject. 

Background Checks

Our agency is able to provide  background investigations that are tailored to your needs. We have worked with small and large business, country clubs, and individuals. Whether it's pre-employment, a new tenant, new relationship, a caregiver for an elderly parent or nanny for your child. It's nice to know who a person really is, and not who they claim to be.

We utilize various proprietary databases and public records to provide you a detailed report of the individual.

Accidents & Personal Injury

Auto accident, slip and fall, insurance claims or worker's compensation claim. Our agency will help locate any potential witness and cameras that law enforcement missed. We are able to take recorded and sworn statements as our investigators are notaries.

We have worked with a variety of insurance  companies and law firms to provide quick and accurate reports as these matters can be time sensitive.

Family Law & Child Custody

Its never easy when couples separate, but when a spouse tries to hide assets that's when its time to have a Private Investigator help with locating and documenting those  items.

Child Custody can be difficult at times as you might be unsure of what is occurring at the other parents home. We provide background investigations and surveillance so you know who is around your child when you're not.

Process Service

Our employees are licensed and bonded in Pinellas County to serve non-enforceable process. We provide standard and rush services. If needed we will conduct surveillance on difficult individuals to ensure that your paperwork is served in a timely manner. If you handling a case Pro-se we can file the paperwork with the Clerk of Courts at no additional cost.

We also have a network of Process Servers throughout Florida and the United States if you have court documents that needs to be served elsewhere.


Believe that your spouse, partner or significant other is cheating. We can conduct discreet surveillance and promptly provide you with that information. We also provide background investigations so you know who they are having contact with.

Social Media Investigations

With social media becoming an integrated part in today's society it is beneficial to know an individuals web/ social media presence. Let us assist you with locating a person's digital footprint.

Locating Family, Friends and Old Relationships

We assist with locating children that have been adopted and are now adults along with birth parents wanting to locate adult children.
We assist families with locating missing family members whether its parents, aunts & uncles, siblings or runaway juveniles.
Thinking of an old fling from high school or college, allow us to help locate the person. 

Criminal Law

If you have been wrongfully accused of a crime and believe that law enforcement did not fully conducted a thorough investigation. Our agency can  assist with locating witnesses and detailing information for your defense. We work with attorney's to ensure your best interest are meet.


Our employees are able to notarize sworn statements and documents. Take sworn recorded statements and can have them transcribed in a timely manner.

Video Recording

Due to continual circumstances in today's world, our agency offers the ability to record meetings and depositions as an independent third party. And promptly provide you a copy.

Locating Missing Persons

We have handled multiple missing person cases and have successfully located family, friends and runaway juveniles.